
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2015

Appreciating the Lord’s Special Ones

Our students from Class VI, VII and VIII  participated in  a Poster Competition on the topic  “Rights of  Persons with Disability” organized by the Joy Foundation on 3 rd Nov. 2015.  The students were to draw how they would accept special people and enable them to become aware of the many other gifts God has bestowed on them. By utilizing all those abilities, they would be able to live a happy and successful life.                                         Convent of Jesus and Mary School  - Toba Tek Singh, Pakistan


Saludo y mensaje de los más pequeños, desde Tánger. Escuchamos sus nombres, sus sueños...

Movimiento católico mundial por el clima

Noviembre 2015 es un mes histórico para tomar acción contra el cambio climático. El 30 de Noviembre, los líderes mundiales se reunirán para inaugurar la Cumbre Mundial por el Clima (llamada COP 21) y firmar un tratado para hacer frente a la crisis climática. A lo largo de Noviembre, rezaremos y nos movilizaremos como nunca antes, para poner en práctica el mensaje del papa Francisco en  Laudato Sii. Para empezar, los obispos del mundo han lazado el “Llamado a las Partes Negociadoras de la COP21” y nuestro movimiento ha respondido con esta “Llamada al Mes de la Acción por el Clima”.  http://catholicclimatemovement.global/

Course: Human Rights, The Right to Freedom of Expression

Take action for human rights. Learn to defend human rights by understanding the right to freedom of expression.   About this course Freedom of expression is a human right. Learn from the experts at Amnesty International how to claim and defend your rights in this human rights course. This short course will equip you with the knowledge to understand and claim your right to freedom of expression, and the skills and confidence to take action to defend it. You will be challenged to think critically and devise effective actions to defend the human rights of others. You will be able to adapt the human rights of freedom of expression, association and assembly to real life situations and come face-to-face with human rights activists on the front line of human rights defense. This is Amnesty International’s first human rights MOOC. Be prepared for active, fast-paced learning, connecting with course participants across the world to bridge the gap between theory and practice and turn yourself...



From USA: Committee on JPIC

REPORT of SECOND MEETING                               On Saturday, October 24, 8 members of the group met in a phone conference.   At this session, based on our enthusiastic reading of “Laudato Si,” we shared on three points: one new insight, one challenge, and suggestions for concrete application.  We were aware of not wanting to “reinvent the wheel” and of the many Church/congregational documents, celebrations and resources already calling for province attention.  We then reflected on the booklet, The Journey Makes Us One , which some communities have begun to use and find helpful.   So we decided to focus on it as we “enlarge the conversation” to include everyone in the province.  We INVITE EACH AND ALL to take up The Journey Makes Us One   and let it be a guide on the journey as we respond to Pope Francis call to make “ genuine ...