
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2017

Rivers and sea, Praise the Lord

Enniscrone beach and seaside. Co. Sligo, Ireland

Harold D'Souza's visit to CJM - Vadodara

W e, at Convent of Jesus and Mary Girls' High School, Vadodara organised a felicitation programme in honour of Mr. Harold D'Souza an ex-student of the 1980 batch on the 9 th  February 2016. M r. Harold D'Souza is an Indian American activist who was appointed by the then President of U.S.A., Mr. Barack Obama, to the Advisory Council against Slavery.  I t was a moment of pride and honour when Mr. Harold D'Souza shared his long, torturous and painful struggle about his experience with slavery and attributed his sense of courage and strength to fight during this journey, to the values gifted to him by the school and his teachers. A ll his former teachers, Mrs. Anna Lobo, Mrs. E. Francis, Ms. Amy Fernandes, Mrs. V. Mathew, Mrs. Nilima Varghese, the P.T.A. members, Sisters of the Community and his classmate, Cheryl Francis were present for the function. F r. Dr. Lancy Lobo and Fr. Jeetu D'Monte were also present. Fr. Dr. Lancy Lobo shared his views about slavery and congr...

"Kindness Day"

WSG concludes Catholic Schools week with "Kindness Day" During the first week of February, we celebrated Catholic Schools Week. Our Catholic identity is the core of our community. We celebrate being a Catholic school all year long through special masses and daily prayer; but this week in particular, we celebrated our school community. One of the many important aspects of being a Catholic school is maintaining the fun, safe, and respectful learning environ­ment that our girls know and love. The students had an exciting week full of themed dress-up days, and ended with "Kindness Day" on Friday. The girls started the day of kindness with a prayer service followed by various activities in small groups demonstrating the positive ways in which they can respond to mistreatment. To further grasp the effects that an individual's words or actions can have on another, the girls learned about the "ripple effect". Each group was given a bucket of water; and each ...

Looking with the eyes of Claudine...

and responding... by serving "the needs of refugees" (USA Provincial Chapter) I n November, Sr. Mary and Sr. Jackie began volunteering at RIRAL (Rhode Island Regional Adult Literacy) located in Woonsocket, RI. The mission of this agency is to assist adults in the process of reaching their academic, occupational, or personal goals through edu¬cation, counseling, and training. RIRAL provides instruction in English language, reading, writing, math and technology, as well as college readiness. S ister Mary meets with Karolin, a registered pharmacist from Egypt. She needs to pass the TOFEL exam (Test of English as a Foreign Language). So far, Karolin has attempted the test six times ($190 a try) and has not attained the required score. M ary also tutors Isabel from Portugal who despite a fourth grade education in her country has managed to become a manager at Dunkin Donuts. Isabel is trying to pass the National External Diploma Test which will allow her to pursue her education. S ...

Para escuchar ...

The Peace flower

at Thévénet Montessori School

The children at Thevenet Montessori School...

... experience social change and justice in the Peace Flower.  M aria Montessori once wrote, “Establishing lasting peace is the work of education.” As such, the Peace Flower – an integral part of an elementary student’s experience at Thevenet Montessori School – shines bright within our Upper Elementary classroom. On each brilliant yel­low petal is a heading that guides students in understanding the connectedness of all life and ap­preciating each person’s and community’s influential call to care for humanity and wildlife.  T he first petal that students encounter is labeled Self-Awareness. Montessori lessons and materials are designed to build a child’s confidence as he or she embraces academic and practical life practi­cal life challenges as well as social changes. The Montessori teacher acts as a guide in furthering the child’s self-discovery through introspection, socialization, and academic endeavors. Reflection upon the consequences of individual actions brings us to our...

Une vague de solidarité incroyable !

JPIC JUSTICE, PAIX, INTÉGRITÉ DE LA CRÉATION CANADA-PÉROU Le monde pleure. Que pouvons-nous faire ? UNE VAGUE DE SOLIDARITÉ INCROYABLE DE LA PART DU QUÉBEC ET DU CANADA… Le dimanche 29 janvier 2017, un attentat est survenu à la mosquée de Québec.   Âgé de 27 ans, un étudiant québécois en sciences politiques, à l’Université Laval, a fait six victimes et cinq blessés musulmans.   Cette tragédie humaine a causé tout un émoi dans la ville de Québec et dans tout le pays.   Le Québec et le Canada rejettent en bloc cet acte terroriste :    « UN ACTE DE VIOLENCE QUE NOUS REJETONS TOUS ».   Un mouvement de SOLIDARITÉ et de COMPASSION a surgi à la suite d’une telle violence.   On demeure une terre d’accueil, un pays pacifique et un lieu où l’on respecte les droits humains. Pendant toute une semaine, les medias ont couvert plusieurs événements : marche dans la ville de Québec avec nos dirigeants politiques du Québec et du Canada, célébration e...

8 de febrero: Jornada Mundial de Oración contra la Trata

www.preghieracontrotratta.org 2017: "¡Son niños!  ¡No esclavos!" Journée Mondiale de Prière contre la Traite 2017: "Ce sont des enfants!  Non pas des esclaves!" International Day of Prayer against Human Trafficking 2017: "Kids they are!  Not slaves!" Giornata Internazionale di Preghiera contro la Tratta 2017: "Sono bambini! Non schiavi!"

Febrero 2017: Intenciones del Papa

Febrero 2017 . El Video del Papa. El Papa nos recuerda que en nuestro mundo hay muchas personas que viven agobiadas, en situación de pobreza, son refugiados o están marginados por la sociedad. Pidamos por ellos con Francisco para que encuentren en nuestras comunidades la acogida y el apoyo que necesitan. Por la Red Mundial de Oración del Papa (Apostolado de la Oración - http://www.oraciondelpapa.net). Ver: Acoger a los necesitados Febbraio 2017 . Il Video del Papa. Papa Francesco ci ricorda che nel nostro mondo ci sono molte persone che si sentono angosciate, in povertà: sono rifugiati o emarginati dalla società. Preghiamo per loro con Francesco perché trovino nelle nostre comunità accoglienza e sostegno.  Vedere: Accogliere i bisognosi Février 2017. La vidéo du Pape. Le pape François veut nous rappeller que dans notre monde, il y a beaucoup de gens qui vivent submergés par la pauvreté. Ils sont réfugiés ou en marge de notre société. Avec le Pape, nous prions pour eux afin qu'ils...

JPIC Initiatives in USA Province

Sisters in the Washington, DC/Maryland area have focused on the 2 nd Chapter Priority, Looking on our World Through the Eyes of Claudine, and Responding to its Miseries. Our Provincial Chapter saw that one of the needs in our midst was the plight of refugees, and called us to reach out to them.  Our region, which includes the nation’s capital, has received many immigrants fleeing poverty or persecution. RJM are connected with three groups: The Interfaith Round Table was established by a non-profit organization, Human Rights First, which works with asylum seekers, i.e., persons fleeing persecution.  Through this organization, we have helped a family of four from El Salvador with housing, “adopted” another family at Christmastime by providing gifts, and contributed to a winter clothing drive. The latest initiative of the Human Rights First group is sponsoring workshops that inform underrepresented families of their rights and connects them to legal services. In the present poli...