
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2017

Activity at Karunalaya Dispensary Anklav, Vadodara, India

In keeping with the World Cancer Day an awareness talk on the same was organized  for the women at Karunalaya Dispensary Anklav on 27.2.17 at 9:45 am Many women from the nearby villages of Anklav were present. Sr. Theresa George RJM being the resource person of the  day mainly spoke on the  CANCER as whole with special emphasis on uterine and breast cancer.  She mainly spoke on the signs and symptoms of cancer like weight loss, anemia, generalized debility , anorexia … with the signs of the breast cancer like painless lump in the breast or axilla, bleeding or any discharge from the breast , change in the shape and size of the breast and in the nipple needs to be observed and watched for. For the cancer of the uterus and cervix like abnormal discharges which is offensive, dyspareunia or spotting of the blood seen after menopause are the main causes. Besides this Sr. also emphasized on the importance of hygiene. Cleanliness is next to Godliness where keeping the surrou...

A peace rally to conscientise authorities

(An error in the State Board Hindi Text book) Our country, India is a land of people belonging to different cultures, traditions, languages, colour, caste and creed. Where people practice different faiths and follow different religious. The unity despite diversities is of utmost importance. But the recent happenings in terms of attacks to the Christian Minority Community are of serious concern to the very existence and living of this peace loving community. We have contributed our best in the growth, welfare and advancement of our country through our educational institutions, our hospitals and community welfare institutions. Despite the services rendered we find ourselves trapped in various unwanted, politically motivated and supported conflicts for absolutely no genuine reason.  One of these reasons was the reference to Jesus, our Saviour as "Haiwan" . (The Hindi word for "Satan") in the text book produced, printed and recommended by the Gujarat State Board of Scho...

Le Temps de la Création/Season of Creation/El Tiempo de la Creación/Il tempo del Creato

  Le 1er Septembre a été proclamé comme la  Journée mondiale de prière pour la création  par l’Eglise Orthodoxe en 1989, et de nombreuses églises chrétiennes ont rejoint depuis lors, avec le Pape François, plus récemment en 2015. Le Temps de la Création a étéétendue pour une durée d’un mois, qui setermine le 4 d’ Octobre (Fête de Saint François d’Assise). En savoir plus avec cette vidéo. http://fr.seasonofcreation.org/ Sept. 1 to Oct. 4 we pray and act together for Creation:  http://seasonofcreation.org/ Desde el 1 de septiembre hasta el 4 de Octubre, Cristianos alrededor del mundo se juntan para rezar por el cuidado de la creación. http://es.seasonofcreation.org/ Dal 1 settembre fino al 4 ottobre, Cristiani in tutto il mondo si riuniranno per pregare ed aver cura del Creato. Partecipa ad un servizio di preghiera locale vicino a te oppure organizza il tuo evento. http://it.seasonofcreation.org/

Il lamento della Montagna/El lamento de la Montaña

Stella Tognon* Fino a venti o trenta anni fa, appena sciolta la neve, venivano i montanari a ripulire i miei prati. Più avanti le donne raccoglievano radicchio, asparagi, cumo e crauti e insegnavano ai giovani, che salivano con loro, a conoscere e a rispettare le piante, le erbe e i fiori. A giugno le mucche raggiungevano le mie cime, accompagnate dai mandriani, pascolavano l’erba e il tintinnio dei loro campanacci rallegrava il mio paesaggio. Le donne nei casolari facevano il burro, il formaggio, la ricotta, la polenta, preparavano il cibo genuino per tutta la famiglia. Gli uomini e i ragazzi falciavano l’erba, i bambini correvano felici per i prati, le ragazze andavano alle piccole sorgenti o alle pozze (o cisterne) a prendere l’acqua e poi aiutavano a rastrellare il fieno. Al tramonto del sole si formavano bei gruppi per cantare e poi con il lume a petrolio, tutti sul fienile a dormire. Ad agosto incominciava la raccolta delle fragole. lamponi, mirtilli e funghi. A settembre i cacci...

St. Joseph High School, PASHAM, Pune, India

A Social awareness program The School conducted  an awareness program about the fundamental rights and duties as well as the importance of planting  trees and safe driving. The activity was a kaleidoscope in mime and music, and it was very powerfully portrayed . The thousand strong crowed of parents and students was mesmerized by the performance. It included the importance of the girl child by laying stress on gender equality. The harm caused by cutting down trees and its repercussions like sound pollution, noise pollution and air pollution besides climatic change. The danger involved in drunken driving and the merits of obeying traffic rules. The right to progress lies in education and it puts an end to exploitation in society. Making people aware of the beauty of unity and diversity. Each one aptly reaching out to the third priority and very strongly committed to Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation.