
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2017

Prayer for Peace - Oración por la Paz (Part 3º)

in South Sudan and in the Democratic Republic with Pope Francis 23/11/2017 Preghiamo per tutti quelli che provocano le guerre e per coloro che hanno una responsabilità nella comunità internazionale e a livello locale. Pidamos por todos aquellos que provocan las guerras y por aquellos que tienen responsabilidad en la comunidad internacional y a nivel local. Let us pray for all those who cause wars and those who have a responsibility in the international community and at local level. INTERCESSIONI - INTERCESSIONS - INTERCESIONES 1. Per i governanti e i gruppi armati che sono in guerra, perché siano convertiti dallo Spirito di Dio al fine di avviare un vero dialogo che ponga fine alle guerre e sia premessa di una pace giusta e duratura. For governors and armed groups who are in war, may they converted by the spirit of God in order to iniciate a real dialogue that puts an end to the wars and reach to a just and lasting peace. Prions pour les gouvernants, ainsi que tous les groupes armés e...

Prayer for Peace - Oración por la Paz (Part 2º)

in South Sudan and in the Democratic Republic with Pope Francis 23/11/2017 Preghiamo per le donne vittime della violenza nelle zone di guerra. Pidamos por las mujeres víctimas de la violencia en las zonas de guerra. Let us pray for women victims of violence in war zones. Copyright Paul Jeffrey INTERCESSIONI - INTERCESSIONS - INTERCESIONES 1. Per tutte le donne e le ragazze che nel nostro mondo soffrono: il Signore le sostenga, perché possano continuare ad aiutare le loro famiglie e a migliorare la qualità della loro vita.  For the women and the girls who have to put up with various hardships: May the Lord strengthen them to continue assisting their families improve their quality of life.  Pour les femmes et les jeunes filles qui endurent des souffrances à travers le monde, afin que le Seigneur les soutienne les rende capables de continuer à aider leurs familles et à améliorer la qualité de leur vie. Por todas las mujeres y niñas que sufren en nuestro mundo: que el Señor las so...

Global Compact on Migration -

Pacte Mondial sur la Mobilité humaine et la Migration -  Pacto Mundial por la Movilidad Humana y las Migraciones Dear Sisters/Brothers, Greetings of peace to you. The UN had been conducting six consultation on the Global Compact on Migration (GCM). In December 2017, the UN Member States will assemble in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico to study the conclusions of these consultations. In this meeting  a  draft  on GCMwill be prepared. This draft will be discussed in  intergovernmental meetings from February to July 2018. In September 2018 during the UN General Assembly the member states will sign the GCM. Migration and development network (Civil society organisations)  have prepared 10 points to present in the meeting at Puerto Vallarta. Any NGO can support these ten points (not individuals) .  The deadline for signing  is 30 November 2017 . Please visit:   http://www.madenetwork.org/ten-acts  for reading th...

Prayer for Peace - Oración por la Paz (Part 1º)

in South Sudan and in the Democratic Republic with Pope Francis 23/11/2017 Preghiamo per la nostra conversione, per poter superare l’indifferenza e le divisioni. Pidamos por nuestra conversión, para poder superar la indiferencia y la división. Let us pray for our conversion,  in order to overcome indifference and division. Copyright Paul Jeffrey INTERCESSIONI - INTERCESSIONS - INTERCESIONES 1. Aiutaci a realizzare una vera conversione, perché diveniamo testimoni autentici della pace che tu doni al nostro cuore.  Help us Jesus to be genuinely converted to your way so that we authentically witness to the peace that you instil in our hearts. Seigneur Jésus, aide-nous à nous convertir, afin de pouvoir annoncer de manière authentique la paix que tu mets dans nos cœurs. Señor Jesús, ayúdanos a convertirnos, para que seamos testigos aunténticos de la paz que tú nos das. Preghiamo: R/. Ascoltaci, o Signore. 2.  Aiutaci a superare tutto ciò che ci divide dagli altri – tribalismo,...

Jornada Mundial de los pobres - World Day of the Poor - Journée Mondiale des Pauvres

¿Cuándo? El 19 de noviembre de 2017 será la primera Jornada Mundial de los Pobres... Y el XXXIII Domingo del tiempo ordinario de cada año. Con motivo del año de la Misericordia, 2016, el Papa Francisco celebró el jubileo de los pobres en la fiesta de Cristo Rey. Su deseo: " Al final del Jubileo de la Misericordia quise ofrecer a la Iglesia la Jornada Mundial de los Pobres, para que en todo el mundo las comunidades cristianas se conviertan cada vez más y mejor en signo concreto del amor de Cristo por los últimos y los más necesitados. Quisiera que, a las demás Jornadas mundiales establecidas por mis predecesores, que son ya una tradición en la vida de nuestras comunidades, se añada esta, que aporta un elemento delicadamente evangélico y que completa a todas en su conjunto, es decir, la predilección de Jesús por los pobres. " Objetivo: " Esta Jornada tiene como objetivo, en primer lugar, estimular a los creyentes para que reaccionen ante la cultura del descarte y del derro...

Training on Kitchen garden

Convent of Jesus and Mary, PALANPUR-India We had the Training on Kitchen Garden for the tribal villages of Palanpur. These tribals are called Dungri Garasia Adivasis. These villages are in the forest and their houses are very far away and very often these people do not get vegetables to eat.They eat only Maze Chappati with the chilly powder. So in order to help these people to get the vegetables easily in their places.  Sr. Julie Parmar  organized the Training on Kitchen Garden for these villagers. Mr.Khushal bhai from Palanpur was the resource person who cultivates the vegetables himself. Hence he has much experience in this area. He explained to them how to cultivate and in which season to cultivate the vegetables.  He also explained how the waste water could be saved  and  used for this purpose. Sometimes children and others throw away the remaining  water after drinking. So he told them to keep two buckets near the water pot and put the remaining water ...