ANNUAL ART - CRAFT AND SUPW EXHIBITION 2017-18 ANNUAL ART –CRAFT AND SUPW exhibition of KHRIST RAJA SCHOOL was held on 11-12-2017. It was inaugurated by our manager Sr. Gracy Paul accompanied with community sisters. Teachers and students had presented their creations made by using waste material like used plastic bottles, old cds , bangles, kite paper, old cloth pieces, newspaper, wool, used disposable spoons, ice cream sticks, drinking straws etc. All the students and staff members of KRS got an overwhelming response from the guests who visited the exhibition. It was clearly seen how children made “best out of waste” and help in waste management by re-using and re-cycling of various waste things. For example: 1) Wall hanging: A- Made from old bangles and thin fabrics like old duppattas of net or any translucent material for decoration mirrors, beads, small bells, straws or pipes were used. B- Made from old cloth pieces, for base thick fabric like jute i...