
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2018

Newsfrief JPIC Rome - Boletín JPIC Roma / UISG y USG

Newsbrief​ is​ a publication which aims at presenting the work done by the JPIC networks​ of consecrated life not only​ in Rome​ but also at a global level. ​T​he ​JPIC ​Promoters groups and   the individual working groups ​animates consecrated men and women to arrive at a greater awareness, clearer analysis and more effective action in the area of justice and peace and integrity of creation​.​ In this issue we give witness that we are sensitive to current challenges such as attention to the youth, food security and agriculture, human mobility and trafficking in human persons, consumerist world and peace building. Our attitude is one of contemplation and action endeavoring the experience of connectedness and oneness with God and all of his creation. Thanks for all you are doing to make this world a better place! Mininoticias es una publicación que tiene como objetivo presentar el trabajo realizado por las redes de JPIC en la vida consagrada no solo en Roma, sino también a nivel mun...

Cruzando Fronteras - Crossing Frontiers - Connecting Humanity

Sr. Rosie Nicholson RJM , USA Province, shares with us her experience... T his is a summary of a very inspiring week, April 8 - 14, 2018 in San Antonio and McAllen, Texas participating in Cruzando Fronteras - Crossing Frontiers - Connecting Humanity.  The Popular Education Network of the RSCJ's (Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) in collaboration with ARISE (A Resource in Serving Equality) and MACC (Mexican American Catholic College) provided us with several speakers and experiences to deepen our knowledge of the current realities of migration, immigration and human trafficking across country borders throughout our world as well as within US state borders.  Our very full days began at 8:30 AM (at least for those of us who don't eat breakfast) and continued to about 8:30 PM when we arrived back at our base locations.   W e began in San Antonio at MACC. The 'ice breaker' where we met one another in a circle and had to introduce our new acquaintance to the group wa...

Go Trashless...

St. Anne’s High School, Fort Mumbai, India

A wonderful visit

St. Anne’s High School, Fort Mumbai, India

Canteen by "Annites"

St. Anne’s High School, Fort Mumbai, India  

Looking with the eyes of Claudine... Kharghar, India


Abril 2018: Intenciones del Papa

La economía, al servicio de la justicia social To see: The economy needs to be at the service of social justice Voir: L’économie doit être au service de la justice sociale Vedere: L'economia deve essere al servizio della giustizia sociale

Peace! Kharghar, India


Care and love for Nature... Kharghar, India


Caring for Mother Earth, Marol, India

The Students of St. John the Evangelist High School, Marol took a turn to plant the saplings on the school grounds and organized a rally in the locality holding placards and raising slogans on nurturing nature, caring for mother earth...

International Women's Day, Gothdada - India

Sr.Julie Parmar had organized the International Women’s Day   celebration on the 4 th March, 2018 at Seva Niketan, Gothdada. The theme of the celebration was: “ The Role of a woman in the Family and in the Society" The women from different villages like Gothada, Lasudra, Anjesar, Bhadarva, Muval, Zaveripur and other villages were gathered in our convent school compound in the afternoon. Sr.Nirmala Paul – the principal of the Jesus and Mary Girls’ High school Vadodara was the chief guest. Mrs.Hasumati   the newly elected Sarpanch of Paswa village, Fr.Duarte from our parish, Sr.Nayna and the sisters of the community of Gothada also many other invited guest were present. Hasumatiben was felicitated with the flowers and shawl. Fr.Duarte presented her a book from the parish. The programme began with the prayer dance prepared by the women of Gothada village. The small skit was presented by the women of Lasundra village on the saving of the girl child in the family. Which was fo...

St. Anne's High School, PUNE, India

To see... To see... To see... To see...