Newsfrief JPIC Rome - Boletín JPIC Roma / UISG y USG
Newsbrief is a publication which aims at presenting the work done by the JPIC networks of consecrated life not only in Rome but also at a global level. The JPIC Promoters groups and the individual working groups animates consecrated men and women to arrive at a greater awareness, clearer analysis and more effective action in the area of justice and peace and integrity of creation. In this issue we give witness that we are sensitive to current challenges such as attention to the youth, food security and agriculture, human mobility and trafficking in human persons, consumerist world and peace building. Our attitude is one of contemplation and action endeavoring the experience of connectedness and oneness with God and all of his creation. Thanks for all you are doing to make this world a better place! Mininoticias es una publicación que tiene como objetivo presentar el trabajo realizado por las redes de JPIC en la vida consagrada no solo en Roma, sino también a nivel mun...