
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2019


from Sr. Rosa Maria Mejia, RJM (Province of Mexico),  Sr. Norene Costa, RJM,  Sr. Natalia Mejia, RJM and  Sr. Rosie Nicholson, RJM (Province of USA-Haiti) There are a few opportunities to have a mass said at the Border with the priest on one side of the wall and the migrants on the other side.  Migrants of all ages and all faiths come to the wall to listen and participate in the Mass. Sr. Rosie Nicholson, RJM and Sr. Natalia Mejia, RJM model the Border Angel shirts they wear while ministering to immigrants on the border.


There has been a tragic rise in the number of migrants seeking to flee from the growing poverty caused by environmental degradation...  Laudato Si, #25 From  Sr. Natalia Mejia, RJM y  Sr. Rosie Nicholson, RJM (Province of USA-Haiti) Sr. Natalia and Sr. Rosie go to the shelter each Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30 A.M. - 12:00 noon to do art projects with the children and some of their parents.  One of the mothers made a 3 string-art of people and in Spanish wrote, “God’s blessings on this shelter, home of friendship.”  The mom asked that it be hung in the front hallway where it would be seen by all who would enter the shelter.  After leaving the Center, Sr. Natalia and Sr. Rosie go to stores to buy items that the migrants need, such as, backpacks and clothing.  The migrants really appreciate the time and presence of the sisters with them.  The volunteer workers also frequently tell us that they appreciate having religious sisters, because of our pr...


There has been a tragic rise in the number of migrants seeking to flee from the growing poverty caused by environmental degradation...   Laudato Si, #25 From  Sr. Rosa Maria Mejia, RJM (Province of Mexico-Cuba) "I lived in San Diego, CA at Casa de Esperanza and working with the migrants for two months and 10 days.  I desire to share with you this lived experience.  When asked if I wanted to go and work for 3 months with the Sisters in the United States who minister to the migrants, at that moment I experienced joy but also some worry.  I did not feel capable to do this even though on several occasions I had said that I would like very much to work in this type of apostolate, but I knew God would help me and He did! On the first day they took me to visit the Center.  Immediately they asked for someone to speak with a family (the mother and two sons: one 14; the other one 12) who felt desperate because of the difficult situation in her country.  She...

Webinar: 18-06-2019

To listen:  Sowing Hope for the Planet: Attending to Ethical and Spiritual Roots (morning webinar)  https://youtu.be/Wo8e7ZhTOKg Sowing Hope for the Planet: Attending to Ethical and Spiritual Roots (afternoon webinar)  https://youtu.be/8uqm4V0ZkT4 Escuchar:  Sembrando esperanza para el planeta:  Raíces éticas y espirituales  https://youtu.be/4-hvCLrBlO8 Écouter: Semer l'espoir pour la planète: S’occuper des racines éthiques et spirituelles   https://youtu.be/RFiEXZRKrSc 


There has been a tragic rise in the number of migrants seeking to flee from the growing poverty caused by environmental degradation. They are not recognized by international conventions as refugees; they bear the loss of the lives they have left behind, without enjoying any legal protection whatsoever. Sadly, there is widespread indifference to such suffering, which is even now taking place throughout our world. Our lack of response to these tragedies involving our brothers and sisters points to the loss of that sense of responsibility for our fellow men and women upon which all civil society is founded. Laudato Si, #25 Center:   Sr. Natalia Mejia, RJM   Back left to right:    Sr. Rosie Nicholson, RJM      Sr. Norene Costa, RJM       Sr. Rosa Mejia, RJM From Sr. Norene Costa, RJM (Province of USA - Haiti) "In the darkness of the night, white vans transport migrant families to the shelter. Approximately 125 mothers, fa...

Sínodo de Obispos - AMAZONÍA

Nuevos caminos para la Iglesia y para una ecología integral 6 - 27 octubre 2019 ESP -  Instrumentum laboris de la Asamblea Especial para la Región Panamazónica del Sínodo de los Obispos, 17.06.2019 IT- Instrumentum laboris, Amazzonia: nuovi cammini per la Chiesa e per una ecologia integrale Algunas imágenes camino a nuestra comunidad,  en San José del Cavitu, el Beni, Bolivia

18-06-2019: Formación online

Register:  http://www.internationalunionsuperiorsgeneral.org/webinaruisg-attending-ethical-spiritual-roots/ Inscripción: http://www.internationalunionsuperiorsgeneral.org/es/webinaruisg-raices-eticas-y-espirituales/ Inscrivez-vous: http://www.internationalunionsuperiorsgeneral.org/fr/webinaruisg-soccuper-des-racines-ethiques-et-spirituelles/

In the Amazon
